Curl + Coffee + Cacti

Assistant Stylist’s

We all have our ride-or-die stylist and eventually, they will get an assistant. This can be a little scary but don’t worry, they have graduated from cosmetology school and assisted our top stylists!

No matter what salon you go to there is a pretty good chance there may be at least one assistant in the salon. Think about an assistant like an intern, they’re just trying to learn as much as possible and gain all the experience.

Appointments With An Assistant Stylist

Depending on how long an assistant stylist has been working at a salon will depend on how hands-on they are. Almost all of them will start just watching, shampooing and blowouts will come next. After they begin to gain confidence, they learn color formulating, applying techniques as well as finishing skills. It can be scary, I get it, especially if you’ve had a bad experience. If you’re having anxiety about it just let your stylist know and they will always do their best to make you happy.

Miss Riley has been assisting Kylie since November and is due to wrap up being an assistant in August!

Being An Assistant Stylist

The life of an assistant stylist can be hard, you’re so busy and learning A LOT! Just remember everything you’re learning is so you can be a great stylist and create new habits. Here’s what you can expect with this opportunity:

  • Answering Phones
  • Checking Clients Out
  • Daily Cleaning
  • Washing and Styling Clients

Every job can be stressful but this is your DREAM JOB so don’t give up!

This is Carol, she’s been doing all of Moxies PR for 3 years! She will start assisting Kylie in August and we are so excited!


For the babes that are still in school or looking for a new salon, shadowing is such an amazing option! Shadowing days can be as long or as short as you want but the longer you’re there the more you’ll get out of it. It can be scary looking for a new job especially when you’re new to a career. Just remember to go with your gut and ask lots of questions if you have them!

Learn more about shadowing here!

This is Sarah, she started at Moxie in February, she is a salon assistant but she primarily works with Damaris and Darcy!

If you’re thinking about applying a Moxie by KC check out our website for pointers! HERE!

Book your appointment before summer is over! HERE!

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